Versand / Shipping

Versandkosten / Shipping Costs


Versandzonen / Shipping zones

Deutschland / Germany

Standard Shipping
0.0 kg – 1.0 kg
Up to 3kg
1.5 kg – 3.0 kg
Up to 5kg
3.5 kg – 5.0 kg
Up to 10kg
5.5 kg – 10.0 kg


Europa / Europe

Standard shipping EU Zone 1
0.0 kg – 1.0 kg
Standard shipping EU Zone 1 (3 - 10 devices)
1.0 kg – 2.0 kg
Standard shipping EU Zone 1 (10 or more devices)
2.0 kg – 25.0 kg


Weltweit / World

Standard shipping 
0.0 kg – 25.0 kg

Lieferzeit / Delivery

  • Deutschland / Germany: 1-3 Tage / Days
  • Europa / Europe: 2-4 Tage / Days
  • Weltweit / World 6-14 Tage / Days


Please note:

Local taxes that local charges (customs duty, sales tax) can occur, depending on your region and local customs duties. These charges are at your own expense.

All German orders are delivered with DHL premium. International orders are sent by DHL. Delivery between 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday.